You are as transparent as a glass of water. Lolz - Supremacy of the Lich King - Heroes 3 map How can i get out of orange homezone? more. With blue we can't even get to our 2 way portal. The event with azures that says that u just have to feed them someone doesn't seem to work and just happens tons of times. Help - Return of the damned - Heroes 3 map I was playing as a blue, my main was Solmyr. I finished game in 19 month, 3 week, 3 day. Please, do it again – we are waiting for such beautiful map. I finished map without any freeze, without any tricks. This version is correct - thank you for this map :) - Supremacy of the Lich King - Heroes 3 map
All about Heroes of Might and MagicĪuthor: SirLouis (Cracow, Poland), 07-08-2023 02:55 Heroes 5 - Trainers, Game Fixes and other files - Heroes 7(VII).